Description =========== The Lua script and MS Windows batch-file example for SS7 or ISDN online decoding with Bercut-E1 and Wireshark, Usage ===== For SS7 just copy "b3mtp2.lua" and "ws-ss7.bat" to the Wireshark installation directory and run ws-ss7.bat for online decoding. For ISDN copy b3mtp2.lua to b3lapd.lua for example. Edit b3mtp2.lua and replace "mtp2" string to "lapd" (see comments inside). Copy ws-ss7.bat to ws-isdn.bat, change script name from b3mtp2.lua to b3lapd.lua (see bellow). Windows batch files =================== ws-ss7.bat ---------- wireshark -X lua_script:b3mtp2.lua ws-isdn.bat ---------- wireshark -X lua_script:b3isdn.lua Links ===== Bercut-E1 User Guidex -- Wireshark --